Plans and Prices

Create a FREE memorial page for your loved one and trial all the features of our service for 21 days. After that time you can choose to subscribe to our Premium or Lifetime packages to ensure the memory of your loved one lives on and is shared with generations to come. You will also receive a metal QR Marker to adhere to a headstone or cremation plaque which when used with a smart phone or tablet links to your loved one's memorial page - let the world know your loved has a story to tell not just in stone.

For multiple subscriptions or reseller opportunities please contact us directly.

  Free Premium Lifetime
  Choose Choose Choose
Create a memorial page for your loved one and share photos, videos, memories and stories 10 photos 99 photos or videos 99 photos or videos
Notify family and friends yes yes yes
Allow signed in members to post tributes and messages yes yes yes
Select from a range of template designs yes yes yes
Link to other RememberingMe memorial pages yes yes yes
Map the loaction of a memorial headstone or plaque for family and friends to visit yes yes yes
Attach a QR marker to a headstone or plaque so others can share the stories of your loved one   yes yes
Length of time a memorial page is active per subscription 21 days 365 days Forever
Subscription fee Free NZD$29 NZD$79
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Subscription fee USD
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